Secondary Schools

Programme A: Visit within a school day (Duration: 4 hours – Cost: €22)

Make Traditional Soda Bread

Our baking takes place in the Cookhouse. 

Ceili Dancing and Bodhrán

Nothing like the age-old rhythms to get the party going.

Bog Jumping

This is still a firm favourite – yes, students get absolutely filthy and yes they absolutely love it … please make sure everyone is wearing their oldest clothes and shoes and brings a complete change of everything as well as an old towel and a plastic bag to bring home the dirty clothes in. It is important that they don’t bring any valuables. We have had too many sad stories of lost heirloom rings etc.

Mineshaft Tunnels

Squeeze, crawl and navigate your way through our tunnels.

Meet The Animals

The groups have plenty of access to the farm animals – it is a working farm and we have a few others like alpacas, llamas and beautiful Connemara Ponies that can be seen on the longer trail through the fields.

Programme B: Extended Team Building Day including lunch (Duration: 6 Hours – Cost: €40)

We offer long team-building days which include the activities in Tour A (excluding bread making) along with the following:

Pizza Making

The pizzas make a delicious lunch served with potato wedges and ice-cream cones

Sheep Herding

We divide each class into teams and each group will compete against the clock to guide the sheep through a course

Team-building Activities

A number of activities which give opportunities for communication and class bonding

Programme C: Two day Programme including an overnight stay in Drewstown House

This programme involves Programme B as above on Day 1, Dinner at Causey Farm and an overnight stay at Drewstown House.

Programme C usually starts in the morning and ends around 7pm, this tour includes all activities, lunch, dinner, hostel accommodation (groups bring their own sleeping bag, pillow and towel) and breakfast the next morning and costs €119 per student.

Teachers often organise a second day of activities at another venue for the day two E.g Emerald Park opens on Fridays in May and Sept, Newgrange is free of charge for pre-booked school groups, there is a fabulous walk up to the top of LoughCrew which also has megalithic cairns and is just 14 miles from Drewstown House.

Transport can be organised to bring the group from Causey to Drewstown in the evening at €5 per student (this will need to be pre booked)

Junior Cert Geography Field Trip

Curriculum-Based Farm Study (Duration 4 hours – Cost: €22)

Students are introduced to the work on the farm. We discuss the inputs and outputs of the farm production cycle, and the work carried out from season to season. This 300 acre farm produces beef cattle, sheep, wheat and barley. We provide a study document to each student which has a number of questions to trigger their enquiries and over a morning spent visiting the fields and sheds, they can find the answers to all these questions. The information gathered will form the basis of their field study report.

Trip to the Bog, Traditional Brown Bread making, Ceili Dancing and a Bodhran Workshop 

Tractor-Trailer ride down to the bog, where students discover how the bogs were formed, and the history surrounding them.

The programme lasts 4 hours, and includes the Farm Walk, Bogland Visit and some fun cultural activities – Céilí dancing, bodhrán workshop and optional bog-jumping.

Girley, Fordstown, Navan Co. Meath, C15 P83R


+353 46 9434 135

Fun Activity Programme

Every year thousands of Irish teenagers got back to their roots here at Causey Farm – this is a brilliant programme for team-building and fun, and is suitable for all secondary school classes.

They all really love getting down to basics, eating their own home-made bread after a busy day on the farm and bog. The programme lasts for 4 hours and includes: