For Children, Young and Old, Who Love Christmas

All the sheds have different Christmas-themed events and everyone moves from place to place to sample each new experience.
Causey Farm comes alive with a festive atmosphere – as we celebrate Christmas with all the traditional charm and magic you’d expect. There’s a chill in the air. The farm animals are in for the winter and the baby lambs will soon be born. We hear laughter and “Wows” across the old farmyard – the time has come to celebrate and we do it in style here at Causey Farm.

What Our Christmas Visitors Say

Frequently Asked Questions



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Please complete the short form below if you would like to be included in our Christmas Newsletter to receive updates about the Causey Christmas Experience.
Refund Policy
If you cancel more than seven days before your booking date we will give you a full refund (subject to a €5 transfer fee, please refer to our booking Terms and Conditions). If you need to cancel less than seven days and up to 3 days from your booking time we will offer a 50% refund.
All refunds are exclusive of a €2/ticket booking fee as detailed in our terms and conditions.
We reserve the right to cancel programmes. In the event of a programme being cancelled, you will be offered a transfer of time or a full refund.