Historians tell us that Murtaghs were the local kings or chieftains in this corner of County Meath a thousand years ago. A millennium of plagues, famines and natural disasters later and we’re still here. Far from royalty now though, the current kingdom is a three hundred acre mixed farm.

Our Farm
We breed limousin-cross cattle, which we sell when they are around two years old. Our flock of Belclair ewes (an Irish breed famous for high numbers of lambs) lamb in springtime and the lambs are sold, mainly to the French market, during the summer.
We grow winter wheat and spring barley, as well as curly kale, beet and turnips as winter fodder.
How it All Started
Several years ago, a few local schools began to visit our farm to celebrate ‘Urban-Rural Week’. We all enjoyed it so much that we have worked out a great way to keep the fun going all year round… As has long been said – the more the merrier! So, over time, what started as children’s entertainment has grown into a year-round flow of willing young and not-so-young farm-hands.

Our Family
Tom and Lily Murtagh live at Causey Farm. They have eight grown-up children – seven daughters Deirdre, Angela, Nuala, Camilla, Della, Bernadette and Úna and just one son – Matt, who is now the official farmer.
So far they have sixteen grandchildren… and counting. Tom and Lily still support all the work and of course Lily’s scones are legendary. She has been known to make as many as five hundred in a day…
Visitors to
Causey Farm
Among the many visitors over the years, we have welcomed people from all over the world – German bankers, Finnish foresters, Chinese engineers, Australian Boy Scouts and American student ambassadors, not to mention Irish groups of all ages – how lucky are we? We just love what we do here and the visitors seem to be delighted with the chance to really experience family life on a working farm.
Girley, Fordstown, Navan Co. Meath, C15 P83R
+353 46 9434 135